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‘I’m coming for you lad’ – 13 furious courtroom outbursts by criminals and their mums

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'I'm coming for you lad' - 13 furious courtroom outbursts by criminals and their mums

Gunman James Byrne shouted ‘fat b***end’ and ‘little nonce’ as he was convicted of attempted murder this week

From left; Stuart Devany, James Byrne and Scott McGuffie
From left; Stuart Devany, James Byrne and Scott McGuffie(Image: Cheshire Police/Merseyside Police)

Courtrooms are famously a venue where emotions can become heightened and tempers frayed. This can sometimes lead to furious tirades from both criminals in the dock and their supporters in the public gallery alike.

One such outburst was seen at Liverpool Crown Court this week after twins James and Curtis Byrne were found guilty of attempted murder. The brothers travelled in convoy on electric bikes before locating their victim near to a social club and firing six gunshots at him.

As trigger man James Byrne was led down to the cells following the verdict, he turned to police officers who were sat within the courtroom and told told one: “You fat little b***end. Look up lad, you fat c***.”

READ MORE: Defendant’s mum broke down in tears after being spotted by judge in Chinese restaurantREAD MORE: Ian Fitzgibbon was warned not to repeat the sins of his father but he didn’t listen

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He then began ranting at another officer, shouting: “I don’t know what you’re looking at, you little nonce. I’m coming for you lad.” Here, the ECHO has taken a look back at 12 other cases from recent years where defendants – and sometimes their family members – ranted and raved in court. These include one man who claimed that he was “sitting in a courtroom full of lies”, while another shouted “go and suck a d***”.

‘F***ing bulls***’

Mason Clemonds, aged 19, of Bank Lane in Salford pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin
Mason Clemonds, aged 19, of Bank Lane in Salford pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin

A drug dealer shouted out in court as a judge locked him up for his role in a drugs gang. Mason Clemonds was part of a county lines operation known as “Long Haired Luke”, which flooded the streets with heroin and crack cocaine.

As he was sentenced to seven years in prison, he called the judge a “nonce”. His family members in court could also be heard calling his sentence “f***ing bulls***”.

‘Mum I’ll ring you’

Dylan Johnston was found guilty of conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
Dylan Johnston was found guilty of conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
(Image: NCA)

A dangerous gun thug who once stabbed a man for refusing to give him a cigarette smiled, laughed and waved to his mum as he was jailed over a spate of shocking crimes. Dylan Johnston shouted “mum I’ll ring you” after a judge handed him an extended sentence of 27 years behind bars and a further four years on licence.

He was brought down as part of investigation into the crimes of Kirkdale-based “Deli Mob” hitman Jonathan Gordon, who sat beside him in the dock. The 34-year-old personally carried out a successful acid attack, plotted two others which failed and was linked to a spate of shootings – landing him with a life sentence.

Johnston’s mum, sitting in the public gallery of courtroom 42, shouted “I love you son” as they were led to the cells. The pair could be heard laughing as the dock officers escorted them out.

‘I love you son and I’m proud of you’

Damian Jebb, 36, of Derby Road, Tranmere, was jailed for two years and seven months at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday, July 8, 2022.
Damian Jebb, 36, of Derby Road, Tranmere, was jailed for two years and seven months at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday, July 8, 2022.

A dad-of-six battered his sister’s boyfriend after he stole pain medication from his mum’s home. Damian Jebb attacked his victim following a long running dispute.

More than a dozen family members and supporters watched as he was jailed for two years and seven months. They waved and shouted messages of support as he was led down to the cells, with one woman shouting “love you bro” while his mum shouted: “I love you son and I’m proud of you.”

‘Thanks very much you fat paedophile’

Rueben Murphy, 26, of Oak Avenue, St Helens, was convicted of murder at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, May 9, 2022.
Rueben Murphy, 26, of Oak Avenue, St Helens, was convicted of murder at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, May 9, 2022.

A remorseless murderer launched a vile rant at a judge as he was jailed for life over the street execution of a young dad. Rueben Murphy called the High Court judge a “fat paedophile” and screamed “f*** the system” as he was led to the cells.

The 26-year-old was convicted of murder after pumping two 9mm bullets into the chest of Patrick Boyle. After being handed life in prison with a minimum term of 31 years, the wild-eyed killer said he had been expecting a longer sentence before telling Mr Justice Morris: “Thanks very much you fat paedophile.”

Murphy also screamed “f*** the system” and said he was “always smiling” as he was escorted out of the dock. Earlier in the sentencing hearing, he had also shouted from the dock “gang, gang, gang, gang, gang of f***ing rats” while staring at Mr Boyle’s family.

‘He got everything he deserved’

Lee Ashton
Lee Ashton(Image: Cheshire Police)

A woman who attended court to support a knifeman who stabbed a love rival in the back said the victim “got what he deserved”. The enraged member of the public ranted from the public gallery even after being hauled back in for a telling off from a judge.

She was one of several supporters of defendant Lee Ashton who were present as he was jailed over the near fatal attack, as well as a crime spree which involved firearms being stolen during a burglary and a gunpoint robbery. Appearing via video link to HMP Altcourse, he called complainant Robert Bassnett a “grass” as he left the remote booth after being jailed for eight years.

A woman who later identified herself as Natasha Smith added that he had “got everything he deserved” as she left the hearing. Judge David Potter then ordered her to return to the courtroom after hearing the outburst.

Despite this, she continued her rant. Ms Smith angrily stated: “You don’t know what Robert Bassnett is like. He’s not a nice person, he’s a horrible man.”

She also accused Mr Bassnett of threatening an 18-year-old woman with a knife. Judge Potter said he had considered finding her in contempt of court, but allowed her to walk free after receiving an apology.

‘That’s a f***ing joke that’

Paul Whitney, 44, of Clocktower Drive in Walton
Paul Whitney, 44, of Clocktower Drive in Walton(Image: Merseyside Police)

The leader of a notorious crime family ranted “it’s a f***ing joke that” at a judge after he jailed him for nearly 15 years. Paul Whitney was previously locked up as the ringleader of the Whitney gang, a family drugs ring which flooded the city’s streets with heroin and crack cocaine.

He is now back behind bars once again after being identified as the man who peddled class A and B substances using the handle “BulletHawk” on encrypted communications platform EncroChat. Whitney admitted conspiracy to supply cocaine, heroin, ketamine and cannabis and conspiracy to launder money and was locked up for 14 years and nine months.

As the sentence was handed down, the defendant shook his head and gesticulated towards family members in the public gallery, then stood with his arms folded before saying: “That’s a f***ing joke that. You give someone 14 years for 100 kilos the other day. I sold two. I done two, two got sold. They sentenced me on stuff I haven’t done. It’s a f***ing joke.”

‘You know it’s not murder’

Joseph Byrne admitted the manslaughter of Christopher Molloy
Joseph Byrne admitted the manslaughter of Christopher Molloy(Image: Merseyside Police)

A killer ranted at police officers and called a barrister a “c***” during courtroom outbursts. Joseph Byrne was found not guilty of murdering Christopher Molloy during an early hours gang attack near to Bootle Strand, although he had earlier admitted manslaughter.

His brother Jay Byrne pleaded guilty to the same charge, while a 15-year-old boy who cannot be named for legal reasons was convicted of murder following a trial. Joseph Byrne shouted “you know it’s not murder” to police officers in court and hurled abuse at the prosecutor in the absence of the jury on one occasion.

His tirade came after he gave evidence on the stand. Byrne refused to continue answering questions under cross-examination and said: “I’m done, hold me for contempt of court. I don’t give a f***, it’s wrong what they’re saying.”

As he was being led from the witness box, Byrne then turned to Merseyside Police detectives sat in the public gallery and yelled: “You know it’s not murder. You know full well it’s not murder, the lot of you.”

Two days later, after his junior co-defendant had finished his evidence, he said as he watched on from the dock: “Don’t get down about it. It was an accident.” Then, referring to prosecuting barrister Gordon Cole KC, Byrne added: “Don’t let that Mr Cole grind you down. He’s a c*** anyway.”

‘I am entitled to a retrial’

Gabriel Genesis
Gabriel Genesis (Image: Merseyside Police)

A man ranted in court and demanded a “retrial” after hurling vile homophobic abuse towards his neighbour. Gabriel Genesis made his neighbour’s life a “misery” after discovering that he was part of the LGBTQ community, subjecting him to several months of harassment. He was given a custodial sentence of two-and-a-half years as he repeatedly shouted: “I am entitled to a retrial”. He added: “I’m not happy with this.”

‘Go and suck a d***’

Girushothman Thangathurai
Girushothman Thangathurai(Image: Merseyside Police)

A judge told a defendant to “stop it” after his graphic five word outburst. Girushothman Thangathura left his own mother requiring surgery after a savage unprovoked attack inside the family home, then fled Merseyside for the south coast fearing he was being “spied on”.

He shook his head as he was told he was being locked up for 29 months. This prompted Recorder Mark Ainsworth to remark: “You can shake your head, but it’s not going to change the outcome.” But Thangathura responded: “You’ve got this entirely wrong. You’re going to regret it. You watch. Everyone, including them, decided to set me up.”

Thangathura was then removed from the dock, but said “f*** you” as he was led to the cells. The judge then ordered him back into court, at which point he continued his rant by saying: “Tell them to go and f*** themselves.

“Go and suck a d***. They know what they’ve done.” Recorder Ainsworth then said “oi, stop it”, but Thangathura added: “He never mentioned I was sexually harassed. Why are you hiding it? You’re in trouble, all of you. I don’t need you. You watch. Just watch.”

‘Fat nonce’

Reece Martin
Reece Martin(Image: Merseyside Police)

A teenager who was part of a two-man team who fired five bullets into a house as a mum and son slept inside called a judge a “fat nonce” as he was locked up. Reece Martin and Anthony Milton unleashed a volley of gunshots at the family home on Central Drive in West Derby as part of an ongoing “vendetta”, which had been sparked by a vicious stabbing and also saw a pub gutted by fire.

They appeared to be laughing and joking with one another in dock as they were told that it was “only by chance that no one was injured or killed” during the shooting. The judge paused his sentencing remarks to say: “Do you find this funny? Do you find it funny?

“Why were you laughing? Is it funny to hear what you did read back to you?” Both men received 12 years behind bars plus an additional five years on licence. Martin shouted “fat nonce” as he was being led down to the cells.

‘I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies’

Scott McGuffie
Scott McGuffie(Image: Cheshire Police)

A domestic abuser who sent an intimate video of his ex to her new partner on WhatsApp ranted “I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies”. Scott McGuffie subjecting his pregnant former girlfriend to a campaign of harassment following the breakdown of their relationship, including lurking outside her house in the dead of night and bombarding her with phone calls.

The 41-year-old admitted disclosing private sexual images with intent to cause distress and breaching a non-molestation order. He was heard to remark “I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies” moments before Recorder Jeremy Lasker began his sentencing remarks.

The judge then said: “Save for a short honeymoon period, this relationship has been turbulent. On her account, she has been the recipient of both abuse and violent behaviour from you over an extended period of time.”

McGuffie sat shaking his head in the dock at this stage. When Recorder Lasker began to address the intimate film, the defendant added: “I only sent the video because she told me to do it. ” He was then warned to “be quiet”. McGuffie was jailed for three years, to which he replied: “Thank you very much, your honour.”

‘F***s sake’

Stuart Devany
Stuart Devany(Image: Merseyside Police)

Stuart Devany was part of a gang who gang loitered outside takeaways, restaurants and shops in order to fit tracking devices to the owners’ cars before breaking into their homes. The elaborate plot saw tens of thousands of pounds of jewellery and cash stolen during a string of burglaries across the suburbs of South Liverpool.

Devany admitted conspiracy to commit burglary and was jailed for six years and five months. As he was led down to the cells, Devany said: “How the hell do the travellers get away with it? That’s your job, not mine. F***s sake.”

‘I’m coming for you lad’ – 13 furious courtroom outbursts by criminals and their mums

Gunman James Byrne shouted ‘fat b***end’ and ‘little nonce’ as he was convicted of attempted murder this week

From left; Stuart Devany, James Byrne and Scott McGuffie
From left; Stuart Devany, James Byrne and Scott McGuffie(Image: Cheshire Police/Merseyside Police)

Courtrooms are famously a venue where emotions can become heightened and tempers frayed. This can sometimes lead to furious tirades from both criminals in the dock and their supporters in the public gallery alike.

One such outburst was seen at Liverpool Crown Court this week after twins James and Curtis Byrne were found guilty of attempted murder. The brothers travelled in convoy on electric bikes before locating their victim near to a social club and firing six gunshots at him.

As trigger man James Byrne was led down to the cells following the verdict, he turned to police officers who were sat within the courtroom and told told one: “You fat little b***end. Look up lad, you fat c***.”

READ MORE: Defendant’s mum broke down in tears after being spotted by judge in Chinese restaurantREAD MORE: Ian Fitzgibbon was warned not to repeat the sins of his father but he didn’t listen

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He then began ranting at another officer, shouting: “I don’t know what you’re looking at, you little nonce. I’m coming for you lad.” Here, the ECHO has taken a look back at 12 other cases from recent years where defendants – and sometimes their family members – ranted and raved in court. These include one man who claimed that he was “sitting in a courtroom full of lies”, while another shouted “go and suck a d***”.

‘F***ing bulls***’

Mason Clemonds, aged 19, of Bank Lane in Salford pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin
Mason Clemonds, aged 19, of Bank Lane in Salford pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply crack cocaine and heroin

A drug dealer shouted out in court as a judge locked him up for his role in a drugs gang. Mason Clemonds was part of a county lines operation known as “Long Haired Luke”, which flooded the streets with heroin and crack cocaine.

As he was sentenced to seven years in prison, he called the judge a “nonce”. His family members in court could also be heard calling his sentence “f***ing bulls***”.

‘Mum I’ll ring you’

Dylan Johnston was found guilty of conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
Dylan Johnston was found guilty of conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm.
(Image: NCA)

A dangerous gun thug who once stabbed a man for refusing to give him a cigarette smiled, laughed and waved to his mum as he was jailed over a spate of shocking crimes. Dylan Johnston shouted “mum I’ll ring you” after a judge handed him an extended sentence of 27 years behind bars and a further four years on licence.

He was brought down as part of investigation into the crimes of Kirkdale-based “Deli Mob” hitman Jonathan Gordon, who sat beside him in the dock. The 34-year-old personally carried out a successful acid attack, plotted two others which failed and was linked to a spate of shootings – landing him with a life sentence.

Johnston’s mum, sitting in the public gallery of courtroom 42, shouted “I love you son” as they were led to the cells. The pair could be heard laughing as the dock officers escorted them out.

‘I love you son and I’m proud of you’

Damian Jebb, 36, of Derby Road, Tranmere, was jailed for two years and seven months at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday, July 8, 2022.
Damian Jebb, 36, of Derby Road, Tranmere, was jailed for two years and seven months at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday, July 8, 2022.

A dad-of-six battered his sister’s boyfriend after he stole pain medication from his mum’s home. Damian Jebb attacked his victim following a long running dispute.

More than a dozen family members and supporters watched as he was jailed for two years and seven months. They waved and shouted messages of support as he was led down to the cells, with one woman shouting “love you bro” while his mum shouted: “I love you son and I’m proud of you.”

‘Thanks very much you fat paedophile’

Rueben Murphy, 26, of Oak Avenue, St Helens, was convicted of murder at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, May 9, 2022.
Rueben Murphy, 26, of Oak Avenue, St Helens, was convicted of murder at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday, May 9, 2022.

A remorseless murderer launched a vile rant at a judge as he was jailed for life over the street execution of a young dad. Rueben Murphy called the High Court judge a “fat paedophile” and screamed “f*** the system” as he was led to the cells.

The 26-year-old was convicted of murder after pumping two 9mm bullets into the chest of Patrick Boyle. After being handed life in prison with a minimum term of 31 years, the wild-eyed killer said he had been expecting a longer sentence before telling Mr Justice Morris: “Thanks very much you fat paedophile.”

Murphy also screamed “f*** the system” and said he was “always smiling” as he was escorted out of the dock. Earlier in the sentencing hearing, he had also shouted from the dock “gang, gang, gang, gang, gang of f***ing rats” while staring at Mr Boyle’s family.

‘He got everything he deserved’

Lee Ashton
Lee Ashton(Image: Cheshire Police)

A woman who attended court to support a knifeman who stabbed a love rival in the back said the victim “got what he deserved”. The enraged member of the public ranted from the public gallery even after being hauled back in for a telling off from a judge.

She was one of several supporters of defendant Lee Ashton who were present as he was jailed over the near fatal attack, as well as a crime spree which involved firearms being stolen during a burglary and a gunpoint robbery. Appearing via video link to HMP Altcourse, he called complainant Robert Bassnett a “grass” as he left the remote booth after being jailed for eight years.

A woman who later identified herself as Natasha Smith added that he had “got everything he deserved” as she left the hearing. Judge David Potter then ordered her to return to the courtroom after hearing the outburst.

Despite this, she continued her rant. Ms Smith angrily stated: “You don’t know what Robert Bassnett is like. He’s not a nice person, he’s a horrible man.”

She also accused Mr Bassnett of threatening an 18-year-old woman with a knife. Judge Potter said he had considered finding her in contempt of court, but allowed her to walk free after receiving an apology.

‘That’s a f***ing joke that’

Paul Whitney, 44, of Clocktower Drive in Walton
Paul Whitney, 44, of Clocktower Drive in Walton(Image: Merseyside Police)

The leader of a notorious crime family ranted “it’s a f***ing joke that” at a judge after he jailed him for nearly 15 years. Paul Whitney was previously locked up as the ringleader of the Whitney gang, a family drugs ring which flooded the city’s streets with heroin and crack cocaine.

He is now back behind bars once again after being identified as the man who peddled class A and B substances using the handle “BulletHawk” on encrypted communications platform EncroChat. Whitney admitted conspiracy to supply cocaine, heroin, ketamine and cannabis and conspiracy to launder money and was locked up for 14 years and nine months.

As the sentence was handed down, the defendant shook his head and gesticulated towards family members in the public gallery, then stood with his arms folded before saying: “That’s a f***ing joke that. You give someone 14 years for 100 kilos the other day. I sold two. I done two, two got sold. They sentenced me on stuff I haven’t done. It’s a f***ing joke.”

‘You know it’s not murder’

Joseph Byrne admitted the manslaughter of Christopher Molloy
Joseph Byrne admitted the manslaughter of Christopher Molloy(Image: Merseyside Police)

A killer ranted at police officers and called a barrister a “c***” during courtroom outbursts. Joseph Byrne was found not guilty of murdering Christopher Molloy during an early hours gang attack near to Bootle Strand, although he had earlier admitted manslaughter.

His brother Jay Byrne pleaded guilty to the same charge, while a 15-year-old boy who cannot be named for legal reasons was convicted of murder following a trial. Joseph Byrne shouted “you know it’s not murder” to police officers in court and hurled abuse at the prosecutor in the absence of the jury on one occasion.

His tirade came after he gave evidence on the stand. Byrne refused to continue answering questions under cross-examination and said: “I’m done, hold me for contempt of court. I don’t give a f***, it’s wrong what they’re saying.”

As he was being led from the witness box, Byrne then turned to Merseyside Police detectives sat in the public gallery and yelled: “You know it’s not murder. You know full well it’s not murder, the lot of you.”

Two days later, after his junior co-defendant had finished his evidence, he said as he watched on from the dock: “Don’t get down about it. It was an accident.” Then, referring to prosecuting barrister Gordon Cole KC, Byrne added: “Don’t let that Mr Cole grind you down. He’s a c*** anyway.”

‘I am entitled to a retrial’

Gabriel Genesis
Gabriel Genesis (Image: Merseyside Police)

A man ranted in court and demanded a “retrial” after hurling vile homophobic abuse towards his neighbour. Gabriel Genesis made his neighbour’s life a “misery” after discovering that he was part of the LGBTQ community, subjecting him to several months of harassment. He was given a custodial sentence of two-and-a-half years as he repeatedly shouted: “I am entitled to a retrial”. He added: “I’m not happy with this.”

‘Go and suck a d***’

Girushothman Thangathurai
Girushothman Thangathurai(Image: Merseyside Police)

A judge told a defendant to “stop it” after his graphic five word outburst. Girushothman Thangathura left his own mother requiring surgery after a savage unprovoked attack inside the family home, then fled Merseyside for the south coast fearing he was being “spied on”.

He shook his head as he was told he was being locked up for 29 months. This prompted Recorder Mark Ainsworth to remark: “You can shake your head, but it’s not going to change the outcome.” But Thangathura responded: “You’ve got this entirely wrong. You’re going to regret it. You watch. Everyone, including them, decided to set me up.”

Thangathura was then removed from the dock, but said “f*** you” as he was led to the cells. The judge then ordered him back into court, at which point he continued his rant by saying: “Tell them to go and f*** themselves.

“Go and suck a d***. They know what they’ve done.” Recorder Ainsworth then said “oi, stop it”, but Thangathura added: “He never mentioned I was sexually harassed. Why are you hiding it? You’re in trouble, all of you. I don’t need you. You watch. Just watch.”

‘Fat nonce’

Reece Martin
Reece Martin(Image: Merseyside Police)

A teenager who was part of a two-man team who fired five bullets into a house as a mum and son slept inside called a judge a “fat nonce” as he was locked up. Reece Martin and Anthony Milton unleashed a volley of gunshots at the family home on Central Drive in West Derby as part of an ongoing “vendetta”, which had been sparked by a vicious stabbing and also saw a pub gutted by fire.

They appeared to be laughing and joking with one another in dock as they were told that it was “only by chance that no one was injured or killed” during the shooting. The judge paused his sentencing remarks to say: “Do you find this funny? Do you find it funny?

“Why were you laughing? Is it funny to hear what you did read back to you?” Both men received 12 years behind bars plus an additional five years on licence. Martin shouted “fat nonce” as he was being led down to the cells.

‘I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies’

Scott McGuffie
Scott McGuffie(Image: Cheshire Police)

A domestic abuser who sent an intimate video of his ex to her new partner on WhatsApp ranted “I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies”. Scott McGuffie subjecting his pregnant former girlfriend to a campaign of harassment following the breakdown of their relationship, including lurking outside her house in the dead of night and bombarding her with phone calls.

The 41-year-old admitted disclosing private sexual images with intent to cause distress and breaching a non-molestation order. He was heard to remark “I’m sitting in a courtroom full of lies” moments before Recorder Jeremy Lasker began his sentencing remarks.

The judge then said: “Save for a short honeymoon period, this relationship has been turbulent. On her account, she has been the recipient of both abuse and violent behaviour from you over an extended period of time.”

McGuffie sat shaking his head in the dock at this stage. When Recorder Lasker began to address the intimate film, the defendant added: “I only sent the video because she told me to do it. ” He was then warned to “be quiet”. McGuffie was jailed for three years, to which he replied: “Thank you very much, your honour.”

‘F***s sake’

Stuart Devany
Stuart Devany(Image: Merseyside Police)

Stuart Devany was part of a gang who gang loitered outside takeaways, restaurants and shops in order to fit tracking devices to the owners’ cars before breaking into their homes. The elaborate plot saw tens of thousands of pounds of jewellery and cash stolen during a string of burglaries across the suburbs of South Liverpool.

Devany admitted conspiracy to commit burglary and was jailed for six years and five months. As he was led down to the cells, Devany said: “How the hell do the travellers get away with it? That’s your job, not mine. F***s sake.”

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